Sunday, February 14, 2016

Another year of happiness

2 years old
Q: Alexander Keith has been very healthy the past couple of months, with only one mild cold.
I think exercise is good for health, appetite and sleeping, so I try to get him out walking or playing every time the weather is fine. Because he’s an active kid and he needs to get out and interact once in a while to enjoy his childhood and also to exercise his body so he will be healthy for his age.

Almost there!

19th month

Alexander Keith is able to imitate actions or words that he has seen or heard days before. This greatly expands his ability to learn new things.
Alexander Keith also seems to be aware of basic categories, such as big or little, and blue or red. You can tell because of the way he is sorting his toys.
Q: You have not worked these last 18 months. You and your partner talk about how Alexander Keith is doing and your goals for the future and decide.
As a parent I decided to stay with Alexander in the house and be by his side until he reached the age of 3 or when he already goes to school. It doesn’t matter if moving to a safer neighborhood will be longer because what matters most is that Alexander will be raised well by me and by his side until he’s ready.

The preschool that you are considering for Alexander Keith offers low-priced developmental assessments. Alexander Keith is able to enroll when he becomes reasonably well potty-trained. He is 19 months old now. Just to find out how Alexander Keith's development compares to other children of his age at this point, you have an assessment done. The early childhood specialist observes Alexander Keith in free play with other kids and does a little testing of cognitive skills. She reports the following:
Alexander Keith was not very aggressive with the other kids, unless one of them tried to grab a toy from him and then he resisted. The examiner recommended that Alexander Keith continue to go to toddler play groups/daycare to develop his skill in interacting with other children. At home, her general advice for the toddler negativism that was bound to happen at this age was to use clear and simple explanations for rules, warnings andtime outs for misbehavior, and encouragements to "use your words" if Alexander Keith wanted something.
The specialist thought that Alexander Keith was securely attached, but that the communication system between parent and child could be improved. She recommended that both parents try to read Alexander Keith's reactions more carefully and work on interpersonal communication.
The specialist thought that Alexander Keith was slow to warm up to new situations with adults, but that if you gave him time, he usually came around.
The examiner observed Alexander Keith become moody and irritable several times during the play session, when things did not go his way. The examiner recommended that you help Alexander Keith regulate his moods gradually by not overreacting to mood changes, and by patiently waiting for him to calm down and communicate his desires.
Alexander Keith scored above average in all aspects of language development, and is ready to be read aloud to more frequently, as he can follow typical story lines. The examiner also noted that his memory was pretty good and recommended that you frequently ask Alexander Keith to recount experiences as a way of encouraging more language growth.
Alexander Keith was age-appropriate on tasks such as building a block tower to model one made by the examiner and other spatial skills such as copying shapes, coloring within the lines and solving picture puzzles.
Alexander Keith was about average for gross motor development. The examiner recommended that you give him plenty of opportunities to play on indoor and outdoor play gyms and to play games of catch and kickball with you.

The examiner commented that Alexander Keith was able to concentrate very well during all of the informal testing, and if this continues, he would be more than ready for preschool-type activities, which typically require children to stay on task or remain in "group time" for 10-15 minutes. She also recommended getting Alexander Keith to follow simple directions at home, gradually increasing the complexity and length of the directions.

Exploring more of his world

18th month

#One of the funny things Alexander Keith does is to call adult strangers either "mama" or "dada" depending on their gender.
This seems to be a comment on the gender of the stranger rather than a comment on yours or your partner's infidelity!

Q:Alexander Keith is calm when things are going smoothly, but gets very irritable and cries easily when tired or hungry. Sometimes he throws tantrums when pushed beyond his limits.
So I tried to be sensitive to Alexander’s moods. When he seems overstimulated, I tone things down, and when he’s happy, I liven things up. I choose to do this because I am the one who needs to adjust to his level instead of him since he’s still young and knows so little about things.
#Alexander Keith is very interested in music, and often dances in rhythm to your favorite music, and tries to clap or sing along with songs that you sing or that are played on TV.
You teach him some short little preschool songs and enjoy dancing or moving around together to music.

Q: Sometimes you leave Alexander Keith with a sitter for short periods during the day while you do work around the house or run errands. Alexander Keith greets the sitter enthusiastically, but gets upset when you leave. The sitter says that Alexander Keith calms down after you leave. What should you do?
I always reassure Alexander that my work won’t be too long and that I will be back as soon as possible. I tell him the reason why it is important for mommy to leave and I also do tell him where I go even though sometimes he doesn’t understands it fully.
#Alexander Keith has shown some interesting new behavior. He acts shy when looking in the mirror, uses the word "me" a lot, and wants to do things himself.
You think the new behavior is a sign of self awareness, and you have to decide what the balance will be between allowing Alexander Keith to be independent and teaching him to follow your rules.

Q: Alexander Keith sometimes likes to explore the different ways that toys and blocks can be stacked or manipulated, and sometimes just stacks them the same way over and over again.
 I always watch him with interest with his activities and as soon as he gets bored with it, I am there ready to give him new toys or building materials to start on with. As usual, I demonstrate it first to him before he does it. By doing this, he will learn to develop his skills in manipulating things and following instructions. That’s why it is important for me to demonstrate things first to him before he plays with it so that he will know what is the right thing to do.

#Alexander Keith has a tremendous drive to use his motor skills.
You have to keep an eye on Alexander Keith because he will quickly toddle off into the crowd at public places or even into the street!

Q:Alexander Keith's language skills are developing rapidly, and he wants to talk to you almost all of the time. Alexander Keith seems to know an unusual number of names for things. Sometimes I hear him talking to himself as he plays alone in his room.
So what I do in order to improve his communication skills is that I often have lots of mini conversations with him when we hang out or even when we accomplish things like feeding, clothing, and diapering. For me having little conversations will increase a child’s skill in learning language and social abilities.

#You are showing Alexander Keith how to take care of the growing number of plants you have on the sunny balcony of your apartment.
Fortunately the balcony is child-safe, and there is no danger of Alexander Keith falling.
Q: You know that by age three Alexander Keith needs to be toilet trained for daycare/preschool. You buy a potty chair, training pants, and a little storybook about a child learning to use the potty.
Potty training for me is important so bought one, and what I do is that I put him on the potty about every half hour while at home, and praise him lavishly if he happens by chance to urinate or defecate. By doing this, he will learn to do it more often when needed because he knows that it is the right thing to do since he is being praised for every correct thing he does.

Q: Alexander Keith has recently become resistant sometimes to your requests for cooperation. For example, he says "no," or refuses things that he accepted before such as food or bath time.
I recognize he needs to have firm limits, so I explain to him that he needs my help and let him decide instead on two choices which honestly are also the things I want him to do. By doing this, he will learn to choose what we wants and will cooperate obediently without me having trouble to push him to follow.

Q: Alexander Keith likes to play make believe with cups, dolls, and toy telephones. He sometimes talks to himself or makes the dolls and toy figurines talk to each other.
I let Alexander play by himself, unless he wants to share it with me as I don’t want to interfere with the development of his imagination. I do this since I know a child’s imagination is much greater and unique than the adults. So I choose to let him imagine things and create a world of his own to widen his thoughts and to let him learn and explore new things of his own.

Q: Alexander Keith sometimes takes on problems that are too difficult for his age level. He sometimes gets frustrated and gives up. When you see this happening, you:
I get involve in the activity and show him how to solve part of the puzzle  or build part of the tower. I do this since I know scaffolding is very much needed to a child his age. By doing this he will learn to not depend, but he will learn how to follow and participate in doing things, and he will learn that not everything could be done by himself.

Q: You notice that Alexander Keith is less clingy lately, and often wants to be put down to explore rather than to be held. His favorite places to venture out are the park and the store.
I recognize this as a normal pattern, and continue to provide support verbally and by displaying sympathetic or approving facial expressions.
I do this because I know that at his age it is normal for a child to be an explorer of his surroundings since he is new to everything and would love to learn things on his own. But by letting him explore on his own doesn’t mean that I’m not looking after him, I still do by giving him approving and disapproving looks if what he does is good or the other way around.
Q: Alexander Keith sometimes prefers quiet activities in his room, and sometimes likes more active games or sports.
My partner and I encourage Alexander to participate in physical activities such as playing catch, climbing the jungle gym or kicking a ball around.
We do this since we both observe that he’s more of an active child so we let him practice his skills of being athletic because I believe that we should focus more on his talent and abilities and let him excel to it more.
Q: Alexander Keith tends to be slow to warm up to new people, but is outgoing and friendly with familiar people.
I introduce Alexander to new social situations in small doses and make sure to go slowly. We are sure to give him time to get used to the new people.

15 months of age

15th month
#Alexander Keith just turned 15 months of age, and you notice he often studies things in his environment and performs simple little "experiments" with them, almost like a little scientist.

For example, he builds a little mound of dirt and then studies the effects of pouring water on it.

A year full of new beginnings


Virtual Child uses five dimensions of temperament to describe the child's behavior in the first 30 months. These dimensions are influenced by your questionnaire responses, and change gradually over time in response to events and parenting decisions. They include four dimensions that overlap with the Big Five personality traits, Sociability (extraversion/introversion), Emotionality (neuroticism), Aggressiveness vs. cooperativeness (agreeableness), and Self-control (conscientiousness), and a fifth dimension, Activity level.
ACTIVITY refers to the physical and mental energy level of the child. Highly active children may sleep less, be more restless, and engage in more physical activity. Less active children may sleep more, enjoy quiet pastimes, and show less interest in vigorous physical activity.
SOCIABILITY refers to the child's friendliness and desire for social interaction (ranging from low to high)
EMOTIONALITY refers to the intensity of emotion experienced by the child. Highly emotional children may show more of everything (anger, joy, sadness) and more fluctuation in moods. Less emotional children may show less extreme emotions and less fluctuation over periods of time.
AGGRESSIVENESS VS. COOPERATIVENESS refers to the tendency of the child to be aggressive in social situations with the parent, day-care provider or other children.
SELF-CONTROL refers to the child's ability to control his or her behavior, delay gratification, plan out a course of action, or inhibit responses to a typical situations.
GOODNESS OF FIT is a concept that is closely related to temperament. It refers to the tendency of the parent to adapt his/her behavior to the child's temperament.

Alexander Keith and I seem to be getting more and more in sync. Alexander is happier and more willing to try new things when I am around. I recognize these signs as too much dependence on the part of Alexander, and I want to encourage him to be more independent because there comes a time that I will not be there to help him that's why as early as possible he should learn to be on his own in his little way.

A college friend of yours who speaks Mandarin visited and named a few things around the place. Alexander Keith tried to imitate the words but his attempts sounded more like English than Chinese. At this moment baby Alexander tries to learn new things to develop his speaking skills.

Alexander enjoys throwing every toy out of his crib and watching what happens. He seems to expect you to keep putting them back. I pick up the toys a few times, but I don't want that he will manipulate me, so I stop responding after. This situation is where Alexander should understand that not all situation is controlled by him because in our changing world everything happens the way it is and sometimes it is not under our command.

We are so excited. Alexander Keith's first birthday is coming in a few days! We invited all our relatives over and throw a big party. This will be fun and full of surprises.

It(Eight)'s growing fast!

When Alexander was 8 Months old...


My partner plays with Alexander Keith on weekends and in the evenings after getting home from work, but my partner misses some of Alexander Keith's little achievements. Sort of a solution: make digital videos and have them sent to your partner at work.

Recently Alexander Keith has been in very good health, and generally tolerates baby foods well. Baby Alexander is beginning to be interested in trying new solid foods. To be cautious we introduce a new baby food veggies and meats one at a time and for several days to see if Alexander likes it and digests it well because it is important to make sure that everything will be fine for Alexander's health.

Alexander Keith is showing signs of independence, wanting to be put down so he can crawl, and wanting to explore new places or things for longer periods of time. Our reaction to this situation is to make sure that he is safe in all circumstances checking the area or the toy he is playing with so that he can play freely and we also keep an eye on him from a distance.

Being a parent is a tough job to do. I've been feeling irritable and somewhat depressed lately, because I'm alone with the baby. So I come up with solutions involving my partner spending more time with the baby in the evening or on weekends, and creating more opportunities for myself to socialize because it is also important to have time for yourself and to have a chance to freshen up your mind and soul.

We want Alexander Keith to establish a regular bed-time and sleep through the night. So we make sure he doesn't take too long of a nap in the late afternoon and we try to time is so he'll get sleepy in around 8:00 pm. I guess this idea will help us in dealing with Alexander's sleeping habit to maintain the right level of satisfaction for him.

We try the object permanence test. Baby Alexander is able to find a hidden object, as long as you don't wait too long or distract him in the middle of the search.Alexander Keith really likes this hiding game and shows by his interest that he wants it repeated. However, if I hide the object in the same place repeatedly, and then change the hiding place, Alexander Keith has a strong tendency to look in the old hiding place, and then get confused about where the object is, or forget about it. This curious error was first discovered by Piaget, but researchers have some new explanations for the error.

Alexander Keith seems to have a hair-trigger reaction to everything, and is often fussy. Whenever he is fussy we rely on a few tried and true techniques for soothing him to make sure that what we are doing is right and good for him to get things straight solving his fussy problem to make him happy again.

Alexander Keith is taking a two hour nap every day, and sleeping six or more hours at a time at night. In other words, you have a new attachment to your pillow! Occasionally Alexander Keith is fully awake in the middle of the night and wants to hang out and play with you. I decided to with the flow, but try to calm Alexander down and focus him on one quiet activity for as long as possible at night. Facing this situation takes a lot of patience so it is meaningful to adapt to Alexander's attitude and try to be at your best condition.

Me and my partner discussed our views on break-ups of a long-term partnership or marriage, and we are both adamantly opposed to divorce, on moral and spiritual grounds and because of concern about its effects on our child. Being a parent means staying together no matter what happens because in the first place it is your responsibility to keep the relationship going for the sake of your family to be happy and away from negative effects that may affect your child's being.

It has become clear that Alexander Keith shows a preference for you over others (especially when distressed), with your partner a close second. How will your partner become a stronger attachment figure for Alexander Keith. I will arrange for Alexander to spend more time with other family members to develop his social skills and to break away from a single attachment with me because as time goes by he also grows up and I will not always be there by his side that's why it is a need for him to interact with other people so that he will not have a hard time adapting to changes that happened around him.

I also play some fun games with Alexander Keith, such as playing with simple little puzzles, stacking cups, and playing with busy boards. Playing games with him is really beneficial for him because it adds up to his knowledge learning new things.

Alexander Keith is showing some fearfulness around unfamiliar people and clings to whoever is holding him. My typical response is to hold Alexander, and let him warm up slowly to the stranger; if he doesn't get friendly after ten minutes, I will try again later or give up for now. Alexander is showing this kind of behavior because it is not easy for a child to be with someone he doesn't know having a defense mechanism.

As Alexander Keith turns 9 months, the pediatrician has the following to say after a routine physical exam, a few items administered from the Bayley Scales of Infant Intelligence, and some observations of Alexander Keith in the playroom:
*Based on your report, Alexander Keith is able to digest new foods well, so the doctor recommends that Alexander Keith eat a variety of foods from the family dinner (ground up).

*Alexander Keith is cautious around new people and situations, but warms up fairly quickly to friendly people and to new and interesting activities and then begins to vocalize a lot and make eye contact.

*Alexander Keith has strong emotional reactions and has difficulty soothing himself back down. The doctor advises patience in dealing with Alexander Keith's emotions.

*Alexander Keith's motor skills are typical for age: crawling, sitting up, and standing up, but not walking yet.

# How does your baby's eating, sleeping and motor development compare to the typical developmental patterns?

He's sleeping more often and he can now stand up crawl and sit and he can now eat some solid food, more on grounded food.

# At 8 months of age was your child an "easy", "slow-to-warm-up", or "difficult" baby in terms of Thomas and Chess's classic temperamental categories? On what do you base this judgement?

Slow to warm up, because he's sometimes fearful when new people are introduced to him.

# How is your child's attachment to you and your partner developing? What is happening at the 3-month and 8-month periods that might affect attachment security according to Bowlby and Ainsworth, and various research studies?

He's more attached to me than my partner but we tried to balance everything for him.

Three's company


Time flies so fast our baby boy is already 3 months old. We are really filled with joy seeing our baby Alexander happy and growing amazingly.

If our baby was not being breastfeed we will use a mixture of breastfeeding and formula for added flexibility, as long as Alexander tolerates it well and it is also for his own good to try new ways of feeding being adaptive to change.

After 3 months of age Alexander is showing more interest in his surroundings. He smiles at familiar people, he plays with his toys, laughs at funny things and develops lot of cute habits. At this point of time we can see that his behavior changes where he becomes more interactive about his environment.

Alexander is occasionally fussy after meals and sometimes he experienced diarrhea. If this certain situation happens I hold him upright to my chest or shoulder and pat him gently. That is the way of responding properly while he is burping to avoid any harm.

Mother has been very helpful taking care of his grandson, Alexander on weekends or in the evening for a couple of nights. When mother is around the two of us had a chance to spend time going out being stress free for a while but we end up calling for a couple of times to know if Alexander is okay.

Our baby gets easily irritated by loud noises and intense stimuli so he wakes up in the middle of the night and for us parents it is kind of tiring and sometimes annoying. Our solution to this problem is to take turns soothing alexander by rocking and talking softly so that he can feel protected and sleep again peacefully.

As Alexander grows, he is already able to focus his eyes on certain things like studying the faces of anyone who comes close to him.

We have noticed that Alexander is capable of learning a thing or two so we started working on his IQ. We walk around outside carrying him or pushing him in the stroller so he can hear and see different things that will help him to discover new kinds of dimensions.

We observed a lot of changes about Alexander's behavior he's getting more curious about the world around him. So we decided to bring him along to visit several new people. This experience for Alexander will help him to widen her mind knowing the people around him adapting to the environment he is a part of.

Alexander Keith is awake about half of the time, sleeping about 6 hours at night and in three 2-hour blocks during the day. When awake, he is sometimes moving about restlessly, quiet or calm. Because of his behavior we respond by choosing a variety of activities depending on his mood and go with the flow so that we can surely observe if what certain decisions we can make to come up with the right plan of taking care of him.

Alexander is fussy on rare occasions after meals, but most of the time relaxed and content so we just continue breast/bottle feeding and wait a couple more months before introducing solid food because at this point it is not allowed to feed babies within 3 months old for it might lead them to choke or any situation that may be harmful to them.

The Beginning of life


Alexander had a normal birth. Labor was about ten hours long, and You gave birth naturally. You are proud that your "team" could make use of natural childbirth breathing and relaxation techniques. When you got to hold Alexander in the delivery room, you were amazed that you and your partner had brought this new being into existence.
After only a week with Alexander, we can already feel a hormonal connection with him we are really happy to be his beloved parents.
Being a parent means choosing the perfect diapers for our child so we decided to use the disposable diapers for Alexander so that he can be more comfortable and we as parents will not have a hard time changing his diapers.
For the first week or so Alexander Keith wasn't very hungry and actually lost a little weight so we are worried about his weight so we feed him often and try to get him take a little extra each time. However, now Alexander has begun to feed heartily and gain some weight back we surely made the right decision for our baby.
We as parents, believed in the natural way of raising our baby so breastfeeding is our choice to keep Alexander on the right track of having a healthy life.
Alexander spends most of his time falling asleep, sleeping, or slowly waking up. When he is awake we take advantage of talking quietly and holding him soothingly to let him feel safe and love with contentment.
After a few days, we are starting to notice that Alexander's crying is rhythmic and moderately loud when he is hungry, wet or cold. His behavior has been unpredictable. So we responded to the different types of his crying by changing, feeding or soothing him in a proper manner.
As parents, we wanted Alexander to be active and curious about his environment. So we interact with him in the best way as possible having a wonderful relationship as time passes by.