Sunday, February 14, 2016

It(Eight)'s growing fast!

When Alexander was 8 Months old...


My partner plays with Alexander Keith on weekends and in the evenings after getting home from work, but my partner misses some of Alexander Keith's little achievements. Sort of a solution: make digital videos and have them sent to your partner at work.

Recently Alexander Keith has been in very good health, and generally tolerates baby foods well. Baby Alexander is beginning to be interested in trying new solid foods. To be cautious we introduce a new baby food veggies and meats one at a time and for several days to see if Alexander likes it and digests it well because it is important to make sure that everything will be fine for Alexander's health.

Alexander Keith is showing signs of independence, wanting to be put down so he can crawl, and wanting to explore new places or things for longer periods of time. Our reaction to this situation is to make sure that he is safe in all circumstances checking the area or the toy he is playing with so that he can play freely and we also keep an eye on him from a distance.

Being a parent is a tough job to do. I've been feeling irritable and somewhat depressed lately, because I'm alone with the baby. So I come up with solutions involving my partner spending more time with the baby in the evening or on weekends, and creating more opportunities for myself to socialize because it is also important to have time for yourself and to have a chance to freshen up your mind and soul.

We want Alexander Keith to establish a regular bed-time and sleep through the night. So we make sure he doesn't take too long of a nap in the late afternoon and we try to time is so he'll get sleepy in around 8:00 pm. I guess this idea will help us in dealing with Alexander's sleeping habit to maintain the right level of satisfaction for him.

We try the object permanence test. Baby Alexander is able to find a hidden object, as long as you don't wait too long or distract him in the middle of the search.Alexander Keith really likes this hiding game and shows by his interest that he wants it repeated. However, if I hide the object in the same place repeatedly, and then change the hiding place, Alexander Keith has a strong tendency to look in the old hiding place, and then get confused about where the object is, or forget about it. This curious error was first discovered by Piaget, but researchers have some new explanations for the error.

Alexander Keith seems to have a hair-trigger reaction to everything, and is often fussy. Whenever he is fussy we rely on a few tried and true techniques for soothing him to make sure that what we are doing is right and good for him to get things straight solving his fussy problem to make him happy again.

Alexander Keith is taking a two hour nap every day, and sleeping six or more hours at a time at night. In other words, you have a new attachment to your pillow! Occasionally Alexander Keith is fully awake in the middle of the night and wants to hang out and play with you. I decided to with the flow, but try to calm Alexander down and focus him on one quiet activity for as long as possible at night. Facing this situation takes a lot of patience so it is meaningful to adapt to Alexander's attitude and try to be at your best condition.

Me and my partner discussed our views on break-ups of a long-term partnership or marriage, and we are both adamantly opposed to divorce, on moral and spiritual grounds and because of concern about its effects on our child. Being a parent means staying together no matter what happens because in the first place it is your responsibility to keep the relationship going for the sake of your family to be happy and away from negative effects that may affect your child's being.

It has become clear that Alexander Keith shows a preference for you over others (especially when distressed), with your partner a close second. How will your partner become a stronger attachment figure for Alexander Keith. I will arrange for Alexander to spend more time with other family members to develop his social skills and to break away from a single attachment with me because as time goes by he also grows up and I will not always be there by his side that's why it is a need for him to interact with other people so that he will not have a hard time adapting to changes that happened around him.

I also play some fun games with Alexander Keith, such as playing with simple little puzzles, stacking cups, and playing with busy boards. Playing games with him is really beneficial for him because it adds up to his knowledge learning new things.

Alexander Keith is showing some fearfulness around unfamiliar people and clings to whoever is holding him. My typical response is to hold Alexander, and let him warm up slowly to the stranger; if he doesn't get friendly after ten minutes, I will try again later or give up for now. Alexander is showing this kind of behavior because it is not easy for a child to be with someone he doesn't know having a defense mechanism.

As Alexander Keith turns 9 months, the pediatrician has the following to say after a routine physical exam, a few items administered from the Bayley Scales of Infant Intelligence, and some observations of Alexander Keith in the playroom:
*Based on your report, Alexander Keith is able to digest new foods well, so the doctor recommends that Alexander Keith eat a variety of foods from the family dinner (ground up).

*Alexander Keith is cautious around new people and situations, but warms up fairly quickly to friendly people and to new and interesting activities and then begins to vocalize a lot and make eye contact.

*Alexander Keith has strong emotional reactions and has difficulty soothing himself back down. The doctor advises patience in dealing with Alexander Keith's emotions.

*Alexander Keith's motor skills are typical for age: crawling, sitting up, and standing up, but not walking yet.

# How does your baby's eating, sleeping and motor development compare to the typical developmental patterns?

He's sleeping more often and he can now stand up crawl and sit and he can now eat some solid food, more on grounded food.

# At 8 months of age was your child an "easy", "slow-to-warm-up", or "difficult" baby in terms of Thomas and Chess's classic temperamental categories? On what do you base this judgement?

Slow to warm up, because he's sometimes fearful when new people are introduced to him.

# How is your child's attachment to you and your partner developing? What is happening at the 3-month and 8-month periods that might affect attachment security according to Bowlby and Ainsworth, and various research studies?

He's more attached to me than my partner but we tried to balance everything for him.

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