Sunday, February 14, 2016

A year full of new beginnings


Virtual Child uses five dimensions of temperament to describe the child's behavior in the first 30 months. These dimensions are influenced by your questionnaire responses, and change gradually over time in response to events and parenting decisions. They include four dimensions that overlap with the Big Five personality traits, Sociability (extraversion/introversion), Emotionality (neuroticism), Aggressiveness vs. cooperativeness (agreeableness), and Self-control (conscientiousness), and a fifth dimension, Activity level.
ACTIVITY refers to the physical and mental energy level of the child. Highly active children may sleep less, be more restless, and engage in more physical activity. Less active children may sleep more, enjoy quiet pastimes, and show less interest in vigorous physical activity.
SOCIABILITY refers to the child's friendliness and desire for social interaction (ranging from low to high)
EMOTIONALITY refers to the intensity of emotion experienced by the child. Highly emotional children may show more of everything (anger, joy, sadness) and more fluctuation in moods. Less emotional children may show less extreme emotions and less fluctuation over periods of time.
AGGRESSIVENESS VS. COOPERATIVENESS refers to the tendency of the child to be aggressive in social situations with the parent, day-care provider or other children.
SELF-CONTROL refers to the child's ability to control his or her behavior, delay gratification, plan out a course of action, or inhibit responses to a typical situations.
GOODNESS OF FIT is a concept that is closely related to temperament. It refers to the tendency of the parent to adapt his/her behavior to the child's temperament.

Alexander Keith and I seem to be getting more and more in sync. Alexander is happier and more willing to try new things when I am around. I recognize these signs as too much dependence on the part of Alexander, and I want to encourage him to be more independent because there comes a time that I will not be there to help him that's why as early as possible he should learn to be on his own in his little way.

A college friend of yours who speaks Mandarin visited and named a few things around the place. Alexander Keith tried to imitate the words but his attempts sounded more like English than Chinese. At this moment baby Alexander tries to learn new things to develop his speaking skills.

Alexander enjoys throwing every toy out of his crib and watching what happens. He seems to expect you to keep putting them back. I pick up the toys a few times, but I don't want that he will manipulate me, so I stop responding after. This situation is where Alexander should understand that not all situation is controlled by him because in our changing world everything happens the way it is and sometimes it is not under our command.

We are so excited. Alexander Keith's first birthday is coming in a few days! We invited all our relatives over and throw a big party. This will be fun and full of surprises.

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