Sunday, April 10, 2016

At age 8

Alexander Keith and most of his friends act as though girls are "yucky" and to be avoided, and they spend a lot of their time playing sports, roughhousing, or roaming the neighborhood on bikes and skateboards.
> I tolerate his attitude and find this normal, but as long as he treats his sister kindly at home. It is part of his growing up to play more with boys and be different just as long as he wouldn’t forget to respect and remember his values.

Alexander Keith's talent and interest in math has suddenly improved. It blossomed under the instruction of a great 3rd grade teacher who handles math for grades 3 and 4. The teacher has seen this happen before, and believes it involves bi-directional influences from the child and the environment.

Alexander Keith's talent and interest in math has suddenly improved. It blossomed under the instruction of a great 3rd grade teacher who handles math for grades 3 and 4. The teacher has seen this happen before, and believes it involves bi-directional influences from the child and the environment
 Going with the flow is a better idea, so i go with whatever alexander has interest in and I supported with. With this he would be able to improve and excell in his field of interest knowing that he is supported by his parents and that he would focus more on his interest and achieve things.

Alexander Keith is usually cheerful and in good humor. He uses humor to deal with stress or just shrugs off life's little upsets. Very rarely, he runs across a problem that gets him really upset. At these times you
If this happens I synpathize him and listen to him if he wants to talk, this way he would feel comfortable talking his problems to me and that he wouldn't be stressed and he will have someone ta ask advices on.

Alexander Keith seems to be about average for his age at drawing and building things.

I will provide him with art materials so that he could practice his interest more and maybe achieve and excel on that field, but i won't push him so that he would not feel pressured and he would just enjoy his new interest.

Alexander Keith seems to be able to eat a lot without gaining any weight.

I would let him watch that website about proper diet so that he would know what to eat right. 

Despite efforts by you and the teachers to help, Alexander Keith is having serious reading problems. Hedoesn't seem to recognize many of the less familiar words in the third grade reader, and has trouble sounding them out accurately. He is more comfortable with first grade reading materials, but even there tends to guess at words rather than work them out. Alexander Keith has a great deal of difficulty with spelling, and gets tired and discouraged when trying to write. Alexander Keith is finally tested and diagnosed by the school psychologist as having a reading disability, and is getting one hour a day of small-group instruction in literacy, with a phonics component

Because Alexander keith has so far to go to catch up, in addition to the school intervention, you take him to a learning center three times a week, and work with him nightly on a computer phonics program that specializes in phonics, spelling and writing. 
With this it would be a great help with him in his school and it would give him less stress. Plus it would help him manage his time well.

Alexander Keith likes the role of big brother and plays with Arabella Nichola quite a bit in the yard on the weekends when friends are not available. It's usually a construction project (such as building a fort or cabin out of old boxes), or whatever sport Alexander Keith is most interested in playing (little sisters don't have a lot of choice!).

If they get bored I suggest outdoor activities like hiking so that their bonding would get stronger with different kinds of fun activities and so that they won't get bored with their games and activities together.

Alexander Keith's teacher reports that he daydreams in class and often seems not to get simple verbal instructions.
I let him write down notes and check it after school just to know that he is participating and listening in school. It would make him aware that i am checking on his writings after class so it would make him listen and participate in school.

 Alexander Keith is struggling in 3rd grade math and whenever you try to help, seems to get frustrated and angry.
Scaffolding is important here, so i would teach him and work with him for a few problems and leave it up to him for the next and check up on him afterwards. By doing this so it will help him learn without having trouble.

Alexander Keith is doing well in language arts and has a pretty good vocabulary. He struggles with reading and writing. You encourage avenues for learning and self expression such as:
 Downloading books of his interest and reading them put loud would be a big help in his vocabulary. It would hell him hear what he is saying and with my guidance he would know what is the meaning of the words he is saying and it would add up to his vocabulary since reading makes your vocabulary wide.

Alexander Keith seems to get along well in many different situations with children his age, and also has a good relationship with his teacher and several other adult relatives, friends and neighbors. You:
I would let him be socially involve with such activities so that he would have fun and would know how to interact well with people and be confident about his self.

Alexander Keith has one friend who seems to be pretty free to hang out this summer and a couple of others who are available from time to time.
I would make ket him have his friends over but i would make sure he finishes his responsibilities and chores before and after playing so that he would be responsible and would not forget his duties first before and after having fun.

How smart is your child and in what areas?
He's really slow when it comes to verbal and slightly below average ln logical mathematical and average on spatial musical and bodily kinesthetic intelligence

Describe some of your child's behavior.
He's more close to his boy classmates than to the girls. He plays with his sister sometimes, he's responsible and he's socially active.

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